Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

So this is really and truly the first time that I have ever made any kind of New Year's resolution. It's a little out of sorts for me because I always have goals that I want to attain in my life. I have a bucket list of things that I want to accomplish in my life that ranges from skydiving and looking at the world from behind a waterfall to learning Spanish and learning how to knit and sew. So this year I have decided to try to put a dent in my Bucket List, but I also want to become healthier and although many don't think that I need to, I want to lose some weight. I've already made an agreement with Jame that I won't buy any new clothes for myself until I lose some weight. As a family, we have also made some year long goals. One of them is to read the Book of Mormon during the course of the year. Another is that we will have family prayer every day and night. We will also be more consistent on holding Family Home Evening. Jame and I have also made a personal goal to try to go to the temple at least once every month of this year. Finally, we have decided to put a limit on the amount of television that we are going to watch this year and we are also going to try to stick to a healthier eating plan and budget. Now that I look at all of this, I have just realized that there is a lot for me to accomplish this year, but I'm quite motivated to get it done.

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